On Sunday 1 September, Gothenburg Fringe artists, volunteers, organisers and friends gathered at Contrast Public House to celebrate a festival full of fine performances, special moments and new friendships at the awards night.
The prizes were unique wooden trophies, created by Eliano Nasr, and recycled pieces, created by Sereno Cantaro, and handed over by members of the awards jury, who revealed the six deserving winners in the following categories.
Out of the box award
Rewarding the show which captures a number of the following characteristics:
#unusual #exceptional #extraordinary #special #uncommon #outstanding #rare #unique #remarkable #extreme #extraordinary #unparalleled #prominent
Winner: Bloody Mary by Merav Dagan
Site-specific award
With our tagline 'The city is our stage', we wanted to give a special prize to the artists who best interacted with the areas and the venues their performance took place in.
Winner: The Chess Player by Richard McElvain
Buzz award
The show which created the most buzz and expectations around it, among artists and audience alike, as the Fringe progressed.
Winner: The Sensemaker by Woman's Move
Wow award For the show which inspired awe in audiences with its creativity, humour and content.
Winner: The Sparkle by De La Schmate Project
Hot Potato Award
The show which dealt with a topical and urgent issue in modern society.
Winner: My Voices Have Tourettes by HED Syndrome
Nordic Fringe Network award
As part of the Scandinavian family of Fringe Festivals, the winning show with a Nordic connection is offered an opportunity to represent the Nordic Fringe Network at a festival abroad in the next year.
Winner: Momo and the Inevitable Decay of the House in the Forest by LOFT Theatre