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Gothenburg Fringe legends and theatrical experiments feature in Artist drop no.2

Chris O'Reilly

We're just days away from the first batch of tickets for Gothenburg Fringe 2024 going on sale.

Gothenburg Fringe Festival 2024 takes place on 30 August to 8 September with approximately 150 performances at 10 venues around the city. Fringe gathers a unique blend of talented artists from around the world in theatre, comedy, dance, music, poetry and everything in between.

We're celebrating our ninth year in Gothenburg, becoming an established home for uncensored, cutting-edge performing arts that stimulate, educate and entertain.

Curious? Come along and discover this celebration of alternative performing arts for yourself - sign up for our newsletter here to ensure you don't miss out and get a special offer when we launch.

Here's the second of our artist releases ahead of the ticket launch on Wednesday 10 July.

You're Needy (sounds frustrating)

by tasteinyourmouth (Ireland)

Nominated for Best Production at Dublin Fringe Festival 2023, You're Needy (sounds frustrating) is a site-specific piece for one audience member about a woman's retreat from everyday life in pursuit of peace, solitude and "wellness".

Carrie's moved into her bathroom. She's living on slim noodles and chopped parsley baths.

Every week she's visited by a volunteer hired to help her reintegrate into society. This week, it's your turn. Take an ocean breath and snort a line of rock salt. It's time to peel off those cucumbers and take a long hard look at yourself.

The Feminist's Handbook for Eastern Europe

by Kaisa Ling (Estonia)

Estonia's best (albeit only) feminist vaudeville blues band presents their English-language Fringe show, as seen at Tallinn, Turku, Edinburgh, Berlin, and New York.

A young woman born in independent, post-occupation Estonia sings of the Soviet residue that pollutes the minds of some of her fellow countrypersons and restrains feminist progress.

"If there's a name for a woman who's chic, glamorous, and modernly feminine in Estonia, it's Kaisa Ling. And her Thing. Resistance is futile, I recommend surrendering."

"Incredible vocals, electric stage presence, percussion and pizazz all accompanied by one of the best pianists l've seen playing live at the Fringe."

Kaisa Ling Thing has released two LPs and two blues musicals. They have toured their glitzy and flamboyant, yet self-conscious and emotionally vulnerable vaudeville blues all over Estonia, and are now taking on the world stage with their English-language Fringe show.


by Karavan (Sweden)

Söker du något mer än underhållning? "VADÅ?" är inte bara en föreställning – det är en upplevelse som vänder upp och ner på dina föreställningar om teater och cirkus. Denna djärva och nytänkande produktion kastar publiken in i en värld av akrobatiska konster, jonglering, absurd humor och skarp samhällskritik, när vi utforskar de globala hoten från klimatkrisen till ekosystemens kollaps. Följ med de två karaktärerna som är fast i en värld där logiken har semester och det orimliga tar över scenen. De väntar... kanske på dig?

Kom och upplev hur de jonglerar med både ord och objekt, och utforskar livets stora frågor med en satirisk blinkning. Varje föreställning är en inbjudan att skratta åt det absurda i vår tillvaro, samtidigt som vi konfronteras med de brådskande frågorna om vår planets framtid.

"VADÅ?" – för dig som vill skratta, tänka och kanske till och med förändras. Missa inte chansen att se denna unika produktion som förvandlar teatern till en tänkande människas lekplats. Boka din biljett idag och var redo att fråga dig själv: Vad väntar jag på.

Let's Start Again

by Woman's Move (Switzerland/Belgium)

A two-minute routine, repeated over and over with different instructions.

"Let's start. Stop. Bow. Let's start again."

Watch the performer try, struggle and sometimes fail as the instructions become increasingly difficult to follow. Playing on the audience's anticipation, this fun solo is a dance show for those who think they don't like dance shows.

Elsa Couvreur has become a Gothenburg Fringe legend with three previous appearances and winner 2019 Buzz Award, alongside a plethora of other awards for ‘The Sensemaker’. Elsa returns to GEST to premiere her new work on 4-7 September.


by Josefin Şîlan Karlsson (Sweden/Kurdistan)

"RÖSTER/RÖTTER" är en poesiföreställning i folkviseton om arv, glesbygd, tillhörighet och kvinnohistoria. I en 60 minuter lång föreställning vävs unika ljudbilder med loopmaskin, där röst blandas med olika instrument på ett säreget sätt. Över ljudlandskapen flödar sen dikterna fram; mjukt och melodiskt, om sorg, kärlek, längtan och mod. Föreställningen är huvudsakligen på svenska, med element av pitemål och kurmanji.

"RÖSTER/RÖTTER" (eng. "VOICES/ROOTS") is a poetry performance with folk music and soundscapes, exploring topics as heritage, environment, belonging and women's history. In a 60-minute long performance, unique soundscapes are woven through looping, mixing voice with various instruments. The soundscapes carries the soft and melodic poetry, about sadness, love, longing and courage. The performance is mainly in Swedish, with elements of northern Swedish dialect and kurmanji.

Josefin Şîlan Karlsson is a social worker, playwright, illustrator and prize winning spoken word poet from Norrbotten (SE) and Kurdistan. With a deep connection to the environment that surrounds her, she walks through inner and outer landscapes, searcing for borderlands, gaps and interfaces. Through playfulness, sincerity, clarity and warmth, Josefin Şîlan Karlsson's works point out the extraordinary in everyday life - while simultaneously dealing with great and complex questions about society, humanity and the art of living.

Linda's Freak Show

by Andrew Sim (Iceland/Scotland)

Award-winning late-night cabaret showcase returns to the Gothenburg Fringe! Hosted and curated by the old crone herself, Linda! Introducing her fellowship of freaks, handpicked artists from around the festival to put on something you'll never forget!

Brought to you by the spiritual leader of the Reykjavík Fringe, Linda's Freak Show is truly a must-see for any Fringe-goer!

‘Relentlessly self-aware... cause of genuine hilarity!’ (‘Killer punchlines with a likeable persona’ (The Wee Review)

‘The sheer energy and pure boldness of this performer ensures the enjoyment of the audience’ (Student Newspaper).

Journey to the Kingdom of Hypnos

by Carmel Clavin (USA)

Do you remember where Sleep is, Dear Ones? Mnemosyne invites you to close your eyes and journey to the court of that benevolent Greek god-creature of Slumber. But beware, here in the Underworld the River of Oblivion is spilling over her shores and threatens the Waking.

This will introduce you to a place you’ve rarely been deep enough to find. The source of your sleep.

Travel and discover the vast environs of collective unconsciousness... all whilst the outside environment restricts where our physical forms may go.

Gerlesborgs Teaterlaboratorium (Sweden)

“Att någonting så enkelt kan vara så svårt”

Att märka vad som är; höra de ljud som uppstår och använda sig av dem. Se de rörelser och former som visar sig och använda sig av dem. Uppfatta förändringar i rummet och använda sig av dem. Att använda mig av det som uppstår; förvalta det, möta det, omforma det, skicka det vidare - utan att tappa kontakten med det pågående skeendet.

Gerlesborgs Teaterlaboratorium bjuder in till en arbetsdemonstration ledd av Michael Norlind och Eva Dal. Även om både Evas och Michaels arbete är påtagligt personliga är prägeln från den mångåriga arbetsrelationen med Sören Larsson och mötena med Jerzy Grotowski tydlig. På Scenstudion Gerlesborg, där Gerlesborgs Teaterlaboratorium huserar, skapas nu en plattform i syfte att ge den fysiska teaterns infallsvinkel möjlighet att bidra till utvecklingen av svensk teaters uttryck och möjligheter.

Gentle Pain (Sweden)

Gentle Pain is a trio with dancer Kasia Paluch, sound artist Kelsey Cotton and visual artist Urska Medved.

Together, they create installation-based performances which they build, mutate, rebuild and destroy in real-time within the framework of a semi-structured improvisation. Our work together takes the form of an installation-based live performance, featuring improvised movement, a dynamically changing scenography and live electroacoustic sound art. The combination of movement, scenography and sound in this improvised context means that we dynamically change and rebuild our performance space in real-time.

Thematically, gentle pain seeks to confront the tensions and tenderness of human experience. At present, our improvisations together are focused on exploring contrasts and investigating how our respective disciplines communicate aspects of contrast beyond the use of language. Currently, we focus on the transition between silence and noise, and examine how these contrasts invite and provoke tensions within our own respective artistic practices and in our collaboration with each other.


by Elaine Malcolmson (Northern Ireland/Scotland)

Joik is a comic journey from lost to found in the company of a reindeer. Written and performed by award-winning Northern Irish comedian, writer and actor Elaine Malcolmson, Joik explores human emotion, memory and connection with the help of a hardy Arctic mammal. For an idea of what to expect, Elaine’s previous shows have examined loneliness using Disney princesses and whales and looked at the hopelessness of capitalism using salad spinners.

Elaine is currently a regular on BBC Scotland’s Breaking the News and is also recognised as Penny from BBC’s Soft Border Patrol and Eliza from Scot Squad. Her live performances include the Glasgow International Comedy Festival, the Edinburgh Fringe and the New York Comedy Festival.

“bone-dry and talented... exquisite material” - Edinburgh Evening News 

“a downbeat delight” – List

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